Our Services

Support At Work

Primary Care Networks

Expert support in setting up and running your network.

The objective of primary care networks is for group practices together to create more collaborative workforces which ease the pressure of GP’s, leaving them better able to focus on patient care.

The fact is that the development of primary care networks is not wildly different from what is already in place. A large percentage of practices currently operate as some kind of network. The concept is not new, but the added benefits are, allowing practices to be more efficient and effective in providing the best services for their patients.

How we can help

Our team of expert solicitors are on hand to help you complete the legal process of forming your PCNs. With the support of the BMA and a wealth of experience in working with GP Practices and LMCs, BMA Law are in the best position to support you.

POPULAR: Briefing document: The process of setting up your PCN >
Guidance for completing part 7 of schedule 1 

BMA Law PCN support services

We understand that every PCN will be different depending on structure, size and location. That’s why we can tailor our service to what you require. Costs will vary depending on what you need but we promise to always be transparent, providing you bespoke service quotes where possible and always maintaining preferential rates for BMA members.

Fixed price support packages

We have developed exclusive pricing options suited to PCNs of all sizes. The options below are aimed to provide networks the comfort of knowing that they have easy access to expert support, ranging from telephone advice to drafting legal documentation. The package can be used to cover the specific needs of your PCN and practices, and it gives you the flexibility to decide how your entitlement is best used.

Tier 1: from £1,480 + VAT – 5 hours (£296 + VAT /hr)

Tier 2: from £2,860 + VAT – 10 hours (£286 + VAT / hr)

Tier 3: from £3,850 + VAT – 14 hours (£275 + VAT / hr)

Ongoing flexible support

We also accept instructions on an ad hoc basis where we would scope out the work and provide a bespoke quote. Alternatively, we offer annual retainer packages which provide access to ongoing advice/assistance for an annual fee. We will discuss your requirements with a view to working up a custom-made package which meets your specific needs.

Our services include:

  • Advice on the governance of PCNs
  • Updating your Network Agreement (whether to cover new members, new services or otherwise)
  • Healthcare law and regulatory advice (including advice on the PCN DES now and as it evolves)
  • Establishment of corporate legal entities and structures
  • Establishment of contractual joint ventures
  • Advice on NHS regulations/contracts
  • Commercial Mediation
  • Commercial property advice (practice premises, leases including NHS standard lease etc)
  • Commercial contract reviews and advice
  • Conflict of interest advice and management
  • Advice on regulatory law including data protection/GDPR, freedom of information, competition and procurement law
  • Seminars/workshops and clinics on topical matters within the above areas

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