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23rd October 2020
Whenever you enter a new partnership, it is vital to have a written partnership agreement, to avoid it being deemed a Partnership at Will, governed by the Partnership Act 1890 (the “Act”). Here, Sana Sadiq, senior solicitor at BMA Law, explains the pitfalls of this default arrangement.
A Partnership at Will is a form of partnership that operates under the default terms set out in the Act, and can have unintended results. It is a partnership of undefined duration that can be terminated by any partner at any time. A partnership will be deemed to be a Partnership at Will unless contrary evidence can be shown.
To show contrary intention there must be an express (in writing) or an implied (by conduct) agreement which shows that the partnership is not a Partnership at Will.
It can be difficult to reflect by conduct alone that the business is not a Partnership at Will. This is why a written partnership agreement is the preferred option. A written partnership agreement will override the default statutory provisions that would otherwise govern the partnership and provide all partners with much needed security.
Where a partnership is operating under the terms of a written partnership agreement, it is important that the agreement is regularly updated, otherwise the partnership is at risk of becoming a Partnership at Will.
In Cheema v Jones, where two GP partners were joined by three incoming GPs, the court concluded that the negotiations of new partnership terms between the five partners (albeit never concluded in a written agreement) superseded the original executed agreement (executed only between the two “old” partners), and therefore created a partnership at will between the five partners.
In this article we look more closely at why you should look to avoid being part of a Partnership at Will.
The 1890 Act, given the date, is considered ‘out of date’, and does not take into consideration the intricacies of operating a general medical practice in the 21st century.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the implications of a Partnership at Will: –
Partnerships at will are outmoded systems that do not reflect the intricacies of modern businesses. The following is a non-exhaustive list of issues that are not addressed by a Partnership at Will:
As you can see, written partnership agreements are incredibly important to give you the framework to operate the business in a manner that suits all parties.
If the default provisions in the 1890 Act are unsuitable for the partnership (which in most cases they will be), it is vital that you operate the practice on the terms of a legally valid written partnership agreement. This will allow you to clearly set out the terms that have been agreed between all partners.
BMA Law’s Partnership Drafting service
We have a wealth of experience in drawing up and completing practical, sector-specific and bespoke agreements. Our fixed fee service means we can guide you through the potentially tricky process, without worrying about spiralling fees
For more information on how BMA Law can help you, please contact us:
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